Levitation Challenge

Levitation is the latest trend in the Photoshop world.  If you Google levitation and Photoshop you will get thousands of images.  Hey they are fun, easy to do, and very cool share with your friends.

Here is your challenge, make three original levitation styled images.  I want to see something completely NEW and ORIGINAL.  Your three images don't have to be different from each other, but variants of the same concept, but if you have three great ideas use them.    You will need to plan what your subject is doing, but where your subject is doing it.  I am looking for quality high resolution shots.

  • All entries must be ready for print (CMYK) JPEGs, minimum size 8” x 10” pixels at 150 dpi (or 300 dpi).
  • No inappropriate images or content.
  • Images should appear as if they were unedited.
  • Images due by December 16th.
  • Images should be titled.
  • Images should tell a story.

    Levitation Blog Entry #1:
    Before you do anything, brainstorm your initial thoughts.  This is a very important step because you might have original ideas that have not even been thought of yet. If you research first, your thoughts my be tainted and just rehashes of other peoples ideas.  You have original ideas, find them!  Scan or photograph your brainstorm session.
    Levitation Blog Entry #2:
    Research what have people actually done already.  Collect 20+ images of current projects and post all images in your blog.
    Levitation Blog Entry #3:
    Create an idea map using Lucid Charts and explore at least 3 levitation project directions. 
    For each project direction, you should explore. at least, the following sub branches:
    • Main Description
    • Tools Needed
    • Assets Needed
    • Skills Needed
    Levitation Blog Entry #4:
    Write a Design Brief for this project.
    Now you have to put it in perspective, the Design Brief is used to communicate to your team and/or contractors exactly what you want to do.  In most cases someone else will be doing the work and you want them to create exactly your vision.   Hence, you need to write a detailed Design Brief.  Now, I have worked with a number of clients, who didn’t know what they actually wanted and expected me to tell them, but they paid me sit down with them and write it.  In this case you are probably doing all the work yourself and don’t have to communicate to anyone.  So why do we even need a Design Brief?  It is very important that you to know the direction you are going, so you don’t waste your time.  Just writing it down helps iron out some of the kinks and make sense of the project.
    A design brief establishes clear expectations between a client and the design team. Basically, you want to state who you are, what you want, when you want it, and who you want it for.
    • Project Overview
    • Client Name
    • Client Contact Info
    • Due date for completion
    • Budget (not in this case)
    • Product/service/brand name
    • Key objectives
    • target audience

    The Art of Levitation - Practical Photoshop Tutorial

    Dreaming of Flying
    With a Twist . . .
    Evan Sharboneau Trick Photography - Levitation-floating-fruit 