Make 3 Primitive Spheres.
Create a Polygon Plane for the ground.
Add a Physical Sky Arnold Light.
Assign a unique Arnold Standard Surface Material to each object in the scene. Render a test scene.
On the first sphere, assign a Bulge Procedural Texture. Select the checkerboard next to the color attribute. A new window will pop up and choose Bulge
Change the Repeat UV under the place2DTexture from 4 to 16 in both the U an V directions.
It should look like this.
On the second sphere, assign a Bulge Procedural Texture to the Bump Map this time. Select the checkerboard next to the Bump Mapping attribute.
A new window will pop up and choose Bulge.
The bump map should look like this.
The bump attribute will show in the Attribute Editor. Select the input arrow next to the Bump Value and the place2DTexture attributes will show.
Now change the Repeat UV under the place2DTexture from 4 to 16 in both the U an V directions.
And bump map should look like this now.
If you want to change the Bump Depth, {Right Click} on the words “Bump Mapping” a sub menu will show up and choose ‘bump2d.outNormal’ and the bump attributes will show.
If you want to change the depth of the Bump Map, change the Bump Depth, – “1” is default, larger is more Bump Depth and smaller is less Bump Depth such as 0.25
Now for the last sphere, assign both the bump and the texture.
Simple "Displacement Mapping"
A new window will pop up and choose Bulge.
Change "Scale" to 0.25.