Our TSA Events

Key:  * = Pre-State Early Submision 


List of Events:

Mechanical & Electronic Design:
Underwater Rov
*Integrated Autonomous Vehicle


Architecture and Engineering:
Architectural Renovation
Computer Aided Design, 2D and 3D
*Structural Design and Engineering (Bridge Building)
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Engineering Design
Flight Endurance
Manufacturing Prototype
System Control Technology
*Transportation Modeling
*Catapult Design
*Rat Trap Drag Race
*Rubber Band Powered Cars
Dragster Design


Biotechnology Design
*Sci-vis  (Animatic Due November 28th)

Art & Design:
Children’s Stories
*Pin Design and *T-shirt Design (Full Design Due November 28th)
*Fashion Design (One garment Due November 28th)
Promotional Graphics

Photo, Video , & Audio:
*Digital Video Production
On Demand Video
*Photographic Technology (20 ImagesDue November 28th)
*Silent Fims
*Music Production (20 Images Due November 28th)

Debating Technological Issues
*Essays on Technology (Draft Due November 28th)
*Prepared Presentation
*Software Development
*Technology problem Solving
*Technology Bowl (Based on test score)
Webmaster- Design and launch a website
*Video Game Design (working Model Due November 28th)

Leadership Events:
Chapter Team
Future Technology Teacher
*Extemporaneus Speech


Creativity Challenge

Career Preparation